
Psychiatric Care

Psychiatric Care

Psychiatric Care services offered in Lawrenceville, GA

Good mental health is just as vital to your well-being as good physical health, so it’s essential to get the right help if you develop a psychiatric problem. Marie Antoine, FNP-C, at Mamokant God Favor Healthcare in Lawrenceville, Georgia, provides expert support and psychiatric care for a range of disorders, including depression and anxiety. Call Mamokant God Favor Healthcare to schedule a mental health evaluation or book a telehealth consultation online today.

Psychiatric Care Q&A

Why would I need psychiatric care?

You might need psychiatric care if you develop a mental health problem. Mental health includes all the conditions affecting your emotional well-being and ability to cope with daily life. Psychiatric disorders are a common problem that results in significant suffering and anguish.

People of all ages and backgrounds develop psychiatric conditions. These can be severely disabling as well as distressing. Some conditions can progress to a point where they become potentially life-threatening; however, with expert treatment from Marie at Mamokant God Favor Healthcare, you can recover and lead a full, rewarding life.

What psychiatric problems might affect me?

Numerous psychiatric problems could affect you, ranging from substance use disorders and eating disorders to bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. However, two conditions that affect more people than any other are depression and anxiety.


Depression (major depressive disorder) is a psychiatric problem that affects your emotions long-term, making you feel low, sad, worthless, guilty, hopeless, and despairing all or most of the time for weeks and months.

Depression can last for years and often gets worse without expert treatment, leading in some cases to self-harm and suicide.


Anxiety takes several forms. Generalized anxiety disorder develops when you feel fearful, worried, and stressed all or most of the time. Feeling such constant, extreme anxiety can be severely debilitating and lead to panic attacks. These, in turn, can cause you to develop problems like agoraphobia, so you find it hard to leave the safety of your home.

Anxiety and depression are both natural emotions when felt now and then in response to an appropriate stimulus. However, when they become clinical disorders, they can overwhelm your existence and make each day an almost impossible struggle.

What psychiatric care might I need?

Treating psychiatric problems requires expert skills and experience, as there’s no simple cure. Unlike a bacterial infection that can be destroyed by the right antibiotic, mental health problems are complex and usually require a combination of medications and talking therapies.

Finding the optimal balance between therapy and medication can take time. Marie has considerable skills in diagnosing and treating a range of common mental health disorders, including depression and anxiety and associated problems like insomnia.

If you need more specialized psychiatric treatment, she can refer you to an appropriate provider.

Call Mamokant God Favor Healthcare to arrange a mental health assessment or book an appointment online today.