
Chronic Disease Management

Chronic Disease Management

Chronic Disease Management services offered in Lawrenceville, GA

Living with the challenge of long-term, life-altering diseases can severely reduce your quality of life. Marie Antoine, FNP-C, at Mamokant God Favor Healthcare in Lawrenceville, Georgia, offers chronic disease management that helps you get the most out of every day despite your health problems. She uses virtual consultations to manage chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and cancer. Call the Mamokant God Favor Healthcare office for more details on chronic disease management, or book a telehealth appointment online today. 

Chronic Disease Management Q&A

What is chronic disease management?

Chronic disease management enables you to enjoy optimal health and well-being when you have a long-term medical condition. Some people are born with chronic health problems, while others develop them later. It’s not unusual to have several long-term diseases.

These chronic health disorders may prevent you from working and limit your ability to perform routine tasks. They can be exhausting and painful and considerably reduce your enjoyment of life.

At Mamokant God Favor Healthcare, Marie creates a chronic disease management plan that helps you stay healthy and experience a better quality of life.

Why would I need chronic disease management?

If you have a long-term health problem — one that lasts for many months or years and may well be incurable — you could benefit from chronic disease management. There are numerous conditions of this type, some of the more common ones being:

  • Heart disease
  • High cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Lung disorders like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Fibromyalgia and other chronic pain conditions

Chronic diseases often have life-changing effects or cause life-threatening complications. However, with Mamokant God Favor Healthcare’s help, you can live longer and stay healthier.

What might my chronic disease management plan contain?

Marie develops a personalized chronic disease management plan in consultation with you. She needs to know about your family and personal medical history and lifestyle — if you smoke, how much exercise you get, your stress levels, what you eat, and so on.

She combines this with information such as your age and lab or diagnostic imaging test results to determine the most effective treatments for your conditions. Depending on your needs, the resulting plan might contain recommendations for medications, plus additional services like:

  • Physical therapy
  • Nutrition advice
  • Counseling
  • Pain management
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Exercise recommendations
  • Stress management
  • Diabetic foot care

Your chronic disease management plan also includes regular checkups and medication management reviews. Marie will work closely with your specialist if you have one, for example, an oncologist for patients with cancer.

Call Mamokant God Favor Healthcare to learn how expert chronic disease management could benefit you. You can also book a secure telehealth appointment online at any time.